Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eurotrip stop 6: Milan

April 11, 2011
We arrived in Milan around 3:30. It took us over three hours to find our way to our hostel in the outskirts of Milan, since time was wasted navigating the train system, getting on wrong trains, and even just trying to find the exit of the train station once we got there. The hostel was set in a residential area, far, far away from central Milan. We were looking around for some sort of building on the street that looked like a hostel, because the street number brought us to a psychiatric hospital. Since there were no other reasonable looking alternatives on the street, just rows of houses, I started to cope with the idea that we were staying in a mental institution for the night. We walked around the corner behind the first building, through the courtyard, and found our hostel hidden amongst bushes and trees. Turns out the hostel was a former mental institution, so rather than staying amongst inpatients we would probably just be haunted by their ghosts. Another complementary feature was that it was conveniently located meters away from the current mental hospital in case our seclusion in the dull residential area drove us insane. After dropping our stuff off, we set out on the town hoping to find some form of nightlife, but to our expected disappointment, everything closed at 7. Instead, we took advantage of the local playground and called it a night. 

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